ROI Calculator

Reliable space availability data enabled by vehicle detection sensors increases EV Charge Point’s (CP) utilization. This increase can be driven by multiple factors, such as:

  • Stronger customer engagement and loyalty due to higher convenience
  • More efficient ICE-ing and no-charging parking enforcement
  • Booking functionality
  • Other smart services, such as closest CP’s availability notifications

This simple calculator allows you to estimate an economic value of installing Nwave wireless vehicle detection sensor in individual CP’s parking spaces. The NPV calculation sums up additional gross earnings from increased utilization and deducts typical Nwave sensor installation and annual maintenance costs. The calculation is based on a 10-year period with a fixed annual discount rate that reflects the operator’s cost of capital.

The calculator allows to vary assumptions for your specific EV CPs: Power, Gross Margin per kWh, Current Utilization and Expected % increase in CP’s utilization due to the system’s installation (Base Case Utilization Increase, %).

* Low and Upside Scenarios are estimated as -50% and +50% to Base Case Utilization Increase.

NPV per CP