Nwave Wireless PGS – Overview

Innovative alternative to traditional wired and camera-based systems

Nwave’s Wireless PGS provides real-time data on the availability of parking spaces and helps drivers park quickly and efficiently. Sensors, real-time data, mobile driver App and intuitive digital signage help drivers to locate available parking and reduce the time and stress finding a parking space.

Nwave’s Wireless PGS is highly configurable, flexible, robust, easy to install, and an evolution away from expensive, restrictive wired systems. Its cloud-based PGS platform streamlines operations improving revenue through increased occupancy while making parking fast and easy for drivers

Wireless nature of Wireless PGS enables system’s deployment without a need to fully close the facility for parking, minimizing disruptions to your operations and for the customers during the installation time.

Modular nature provides a tailor-fit solution for each specific facility

A modular nature of the solution allows Nwave’s Wireless PGS system to adjust and grow with the changes in facility’s layout, driving patterns, utilization levels, operator’s need and driver’s preferences. Instead of having to lock yourself in with an upfront decision on installing an expensive wired or camera-based solution, with Nwave’ WPGS, you could typically start with a counting WPGS solution to enable total facility(ies) count, add per-space sensors to special-category spaces (ADA, EV, etc.) to improve tracking of these spaces, and to expand to a full per-space WPGS solution if your facility really requires it.

Foundation for an effective parking solution for a high-utilization facility

Granular occupancy data delivered by a quality PGS system is a “must have” foundation for an effective parking solution in a high-utilization facility. While delivering significant benefits to operators and drivers by itself, Nwave’ Wireless PGS solution can easily integrate and enhance other parking systems and solutions such as PARCS, LPR, payment and reservation solutions.

Nwave Wireless PGS Architecture & Components

  • Nwave wireless vehicle detection sensors (in per-space or counting mode)

  • Real time, historical and analytics APIs

  • Wireless Matrix Digital Message Signs (DMS)

  • Analytics Dashboard

  • Mobile Driver App

  • Secure Park ID

Nwave Wireless PGS (WPGS) – Solution Overview 1
Nwave Wireless PGS (WPGS) – Solution Overview 2

Nwave Wireless PGS Benefits

  • For Drivers:

  • Guiding to available spaces in real time

  • Improved access to special-category spaces

  • Intuitive DMSs to assist all categories of drivers

  • Parking availability and wayfinding on the phone

  • For Owners & Operators:

  • Actionable analytics insights

  • Improved customer and employee satisfaction

  • Flexible, modular and cost-efficient solution

  • Minimal disruptions to operations during deployment

  • Seamless integration with PARCS, LPR, etc.

Nwave Wireless PGS – Car Counting

  • Innovative wireless alternative to wired induction loops, LIDAR and camera-based counting

  • 99%+ accuracy

  • Modular, scalable, cost-efficient

  • Easily expands to hybrid solutions

  • Seamlessly integrates with other parking solutions

Nwave Wireless PGS (WPGS) – Solution Overview 3
Nwave Wireless PGS (WPGS) – Solution Overview 4

PGS Intro & System Selection

  • PGS Explained

  • PGS Value Creation

  • Selecting between Counting vs. Per-space vs. Hybrid

  • Wireless vs. Wired benefits








Car Counting


PGS Intro

Nwave Wireless Parking Guidance Solution Advantages

A simple example of how Nwave’s Wireless Parking Guidance Systems works

  • Nwave wireless sensors operating in per-space mode capture occupancy in real-time with 99.9% accuracy and can optimize utilization in near-capacity garages by filling every open spot. Nwave sensors, deployed in ingress and egress lanes in vehicle counter mode provide 99%+ accurate total vehicle count, and can be combined with per-space sensors in select high-value spaces to deliver cost-effective “hybrid” solutions.
  • Nwave Directional Digital Messaging Signs (DMS) provide effective traffic flow management for any built facilities. Nwave RGB LED DMS matrix displays can be programmed to display any combination of text information, shapes and images. Wireless display controllers (via WiFi, 4G, LoRaWAN) simplify installation, reduce installation cost and increase operational reliability.
  • Nwave’s Mobile User App shows parking availability helping drivers to pre-plan their trip and navigate drivers to selected locations while providing real-time parking guidance updates during the trip. Parking guidance mobile App functionality can be delivered via APIs integration into your existing App or via Nwave white-labeled Navigation App.
  • Nwave’s Analytics Dashboard gives you actionable analytics based on historical trends, heat maps and real-time data. Nwave’s extended APIs deliver a live, 360° view of parking peak hours, volume, turnover, duration of stay, capacity, and more in real-time – that can be easily integrated into your existing parking management platform or accessed via Nwave Analytics Dashboard.

Nwave’s wireless PGS significantly simplifies the planning and installation process, making all PGS types easy to scale, modify and grow with a facility.

Wireless adhesive-installed sensors can be re-positioned as necessary to optimize locations for sensor counters and add or remove sensors in designated spaces. As the projects evolve, wireless Nwave PGS simplifies adapting to new conditions and can easily re-program, add new or move existing DMSs and add or remove wireless sensors.

Choosing a PGS solution comes down to choosing two main domains:

  • Type of Vehicle Detecting/Sensing solution
  • Type of In-Facility Wayfinding solution

The selection of the vehicle detecting/sensing solution largely defines the selection of the wayfinding solution. If you gather only ingress/egress total vehicle count data for the entire facility, you cannot do any level or directional wayfinding inside of the facility, simply because you do not have the data.

In addition to the available data granularity, the layout of the facility and the budget/costs considerations will, typically, be primary drivers for selecting the optimal type and number of the hardware elements for a specific infacility wayfinding solution. As discussed earlier, we believe that a combination of entrance, level and directional DMSs provide the best value-vs-costs approach for a majority of built facilities.

Nwave can complement your existing PGS solution architecture or deliver a complete solution.


Nwave’s wireless alternative is game-changing for facilities that need a less expensive, flexible, and highly accurate PGS.

Wired PGS is costly to install and maintain, has accuracy issues, is inflexible with limited facility installation locations, typically indoors only, and is not compatible with specific environmental conditions and settings.

Nwave’s Wireless PGS Overview: 

  • Universal PGS platform for all facility types including covered, rooftops, outdoor
  • Up to 10x cost reduction vs. wired systems
  • Per-space availability and total vehicle counting modes
  • Robust, long-range wireless coverage with 2x-3x redundancy – even in built environments
  • Modular design minimizes pre-planning, easily adapts to changes, and scales with your project
  • Efficient and cost-effective visual guidance of traffic flows via DMS displays
  • Clean view, no “visual clutter”, reduced AFF clearance challenges
  • Extended APIs for easy integration into mobile apps and dashboards
  • The Nwave wireless sensor has a replaceable battery with a 10-year life for zero to very little maintenance.

Nwave Wireless PGS can improve system reliability:

  • Electric and data cable or connection failures on wired PGS systems can be difficult to locate and resolve.
  • Power or data connection failure of a single row of wired sensors can lead to a loss of the total system’s accuracy.
  • Unlike fully wired and semi-wireless systems that still rely on electricity to power their sensors/cameras, Nwave PGS platform ensures that any local electric failure does not impact the functionality and accuracy of the overall system.
  • In case of a local electric power failure, battery-powered sensors, backed up by 2-3x redundant long-range wireless base station coverage, ensure that all parking availability data continues to flow to the cloud, ensuring continuous operation and accuracy of the Mobile App, operational Digital Signage and Analytics Dashboard.

Nwave Wireless Parking Guidance Solution

  • Accurate
  • Reliable
  • Flexible
  • Cost-effective
  • Easy to Integrate
  • Sustainable


Nwave’s Wireless PGS can generate value for all facility types

  • Free and Paid Parking

  • Enterprise and Commercial Facilities

  • Low and High Facility Utilization

Nwave Wireless PGS (WPGS) – Solution Overview 5

Examples of Nwave Wireless PGS with directional DMS in 400-space, high-utilization garage.

Typical Results:

  • NPV $.5m to $1m
  • ROI 200% to 500%+

Download the Nwave Wireless Parking Guidance System White Paper for a comprehensive value generation example.

Free Parking

Demonstrating Time Saved per day

Free parking in facility with 90% utilization.

NPV 10 Years
Average Driver/Employee Saved per Day

Paid Parking

Demonstrating PGS Utilization Boost

Average Base Space Paid Utilization at $2 per hour rate.

Nwave Wireless PGS (WPGS) – Solution Overview 6
Nwave Wireless PGS (WPGS) – Solution Overview 7

Read Nwave’s Parking Guidance Systems
White Paper to Learn more about PGS systems and selection criteria.

Wireless parking guidance systems are driving adoption with lower implementation costs and configuration complexity.


Nwave’s Parking Guidance System (PGS) directs drivers to available parking in real-time

Nwave’s PGS provides real-time data on the availability of parking spaces and helps drivers park quickly and efficiently. Sensors, real-time data, and smart mobile applications allow drivers to monitor available parking and reduce the time spent finding a parking space.

Nwave’s wireless PGS is highly configurable, flexible, robust, easy to install, and an evolution away from expensive, restrictive wired systems. Its cloud-based PGS platform streamlines operations improving revenue through increased occupancy while making parking fast and easy for drivers.

The Nwave PGS saves time in locating available parking spaces. Time savings, in turn, leads to value generation for various stakeholders.

Complex designs and high implementation costs were limiting factors for most facilities until now. Cost, flexibility, and speed of implementation are among the most significant factors driving wireless PGS adoption.

Wiring was the accepted industry standard; for decades, few alternatives have existed. But, wired PGS is costly to install and maintain, has accuracy issues, is inflexible with limited facility installation locations, typically indoors only, and is not compatible with specific environmental conditions and settings. Nwave’s wireless alternative is game-changing for facilities that need a less expensive, flexible, and highly accurate PGS.

Wireless Parking Guidance Comparison

Nwave can complement your existing PGS solution architecture or deliver a complete solution

PGS solutions can be grouped based on the method of vehicle identification. This choice drives all the main features and characteristics of a particular PGS including its accuracy, cost, level of user experience, and more.

Nwave PGS Decision Process

Nwave is a highly configurable, flexible, robust and easy-to-install evolution from expensive and restrictive wired systems

Nwave battery-powered wireless sensors, wirelessly controlled DMS displays, Mobile User App, and Analytics Dashboard work together to deliver a cost-effective PGS solution indoors and outdoors.

Nwave Wireless Parking Guidance Solution Advantages

A simple example of how Nwave’s Wireless Parking Guidance Systems works

  • Nwave wireless sensors operating in per-space mode capture occupancy in real-time with 99.9% accuracy and can optimize utilization in near-capacity garages by filling every open spot. Nwave sensors, deployed in ingress and egress lanes in vehicle counter mode provide 99%+ accurate total vehicle count, and can be combined with per-space sensors in select high-value spaces to deliver cost-effective “hybrid” solutions.
  • Nwave Directional Digital Messaging Signs (DMS) provide effective traffic flow management for any built facilities. Nwave RGB LED DMS matrix displays can be programmed to display any combination of text information, shapes and images. Wireless display controllers (via WiFi, 4G, LoRaWAN) simplify installation, reduce installation cost and increase operational reliability.
  • Nwave’s Mobile User App shows parking availability helping drivers to pre-plan their trip and navigate drivers to selected locations while providing real-time parking guidance updates during the trip. Parking guidance mobile App functionality can be delivered via APIs integration into your existing App or via Nwave white-labeled Navigation App.
  • Nwave’s Analytics Dashboard gives you actionable analytics based on historical trends, heat maps and real-time data. Nwave’s extended APIs deliver a live, 360° view of parking peak hours, volume, turnover, duration of stay, capacity, and more in real-time – that can be easily integrated into your existing parking management platform or accessed via Nwave Analytics Dashboard.

Nwave’s wireless PGS significantly simplifies the planning and installation process, making all PGS types easy to scale, modify and grow with a facility.

Wireless adhesive-installed sensors can be re-positioned as necessary to optimize locations for sensor counters and add or remove sensors in designated spaces. As the projects evolve, wireless Nwave PGS simplifies adapting to new conditions and can easily re-program, add new or move existing DMSs and add or remove wireless sensors.

Choosing a PGS solution comes down to choosing two main domains:

  • Type of Vehicle Detecting/Sensing solution
  • Type of In-Facility Wayfinding solution

The selection of the vehicle detecting/sensing solution largely defines the selection of the wayfinding solution. If you gather only ingress/egress total vehicle count data for the entire facility, you cannot do any level or directional wayfinding inside of the facility, simply because you do not have the data.

In addition to the available data granularity, the layout of the facility and the budget/costs considerations will, typically, be primary drivers for selecting the optimal type and number of the hardware elements for a specific infacility wayfinding solution. As discussed earlier, we believe that a combination of entrance, level and directional DMSs provide the best value-vs-costs approach for a majority of built facilities.

Nwave can complement your existing PGS solution architecture or deliver a complete solution.


Nwave’s wireless alternative is game-changing for facilities that need a less expensive, flexible, and highly accurate PGS.

Wired PGS is costly to install and maintain, has accuracy issues, is inflexible with limited facility installation locations, typically indoors only, and is not compatible with specific environmental conditions and settings.

Nwave’s Wireless PGS Overview: 

  • Universal PGS platform for all facility types including covered, rooftops, outdoor
  • Up to 10x cost reduction vs. wired systems
  • Per-space availability and total vehicle counting modes
  • Robust, long-range wireless coverage with 2x-3x redundancy – even in built environments
  • Modular design minimizes pre-planning, easily adapts to changes, and scales with your project
  • Efficient and cost-effective visual guidance of traffic flows via DMS displays
  • Clean view, no “visual clutter”, reduced AFF clearance challenges
  • Extended APIs for easy integration into mobile apps and dashboards
  • The Nwave wireless sensor has a replaceable battery with a 10-year life for zero to very little maintenance.

Nwave Wireless PGS can improve system reliability:

  • Electric and data cable or connection failures on wired PGS systems can be difficult to locate and resolve.
  • Power or data connection failure of a single row of wired sensors can lead to a loss of the total system’s accuracy.
  • Unlike fully wired and semi-wireless systems that still rely on electricity to power their sensors/cameras, Nwave PGS platform ensures that any local electric failure does not impact the functionality and accuracy of the overall system.
  • In case of a local electric power failure, battery-powered sensors, backed up by 2-3x redundant long-range wireless base station coverage, ensure that all parking availability data continues to flow to the cloud, ensuring continuous operation and accuracy of the Mobile App, operational Digital Signage and Analytics Dashboard.






EV Charging






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